The best thing about all the masks people are wearing is that it saves our lives. The worst thing is that we can't see smiles anymore! The Selfie Mask solves this problem by taking your smile from in back of the mask to the fore! So what's a Selfie-mask, you ask?
Selfie-mask is your portrait image printed on a virus-protection face-mask. You take your selfie, crop and upload the image to our website, and our app stretches the outer edges of the photo so that your face is clear, while your cheeks wrap around to your ears, thus giving depth to an otherwise flat photo. It's fun and quirky… so much so that we were featured briefly on Rachel Maddow's May 8th, 2020 opening segment, along with Stanford's PPE Portrait Project.
(photo credit, MSNBC)
You can help us get our mask concept trending on your favorite social media app by giving us a public mention using our #Smiles2the4 hashtag.
Jack rocks his selfie-mask